Monday, August 24, 2009

Whales and porpoises, seals and sea lions, oh my!

Date : Aug. 23 Log: 55999 Bar: 1017 Sky: sunny Location: Goat Island, Village Channel Comments: Leaving Port Hardy we were greeted by a pod of Orcas just outside Hardy Bay (photos up as soon as we can) Dall's and Harbour porpoises as well as seals and a sea lion all put in appearances today as well. Wind was very light, so we motored in the sunshine past Malcolm Island, across Blackfish Sound and into Whitebeach Passage. We saw a cruise ship, the Coral Princess, in Blackfish and fantasized (for a least a moment or two) about Mai Tais served next to the pool. We had planned to anchor at Farewell Harbour, but there's a fishing resort there, a power boat was anchored in what looked like the best spot, and there didn't seem to be any doggie beach available. We headed into Village Channel and tucked in behind Goat Island to anchor amongst a half dozen little islets. The people on a Washington power boat that was anchored near us warned us of a bear (the only remaining animal on our list to see) on the beach in the early evening (where June was about to take the dog ashore!). We had a pleasant evening at anchor (but no bear sightings!) On the "What's Next" front, a new set of spark plugs has worked wonders for the recalcitrant outboard -- it now runs on 2 cylinders not just one. That was balanced by nothing happening when we tried to start Turicum's engine and were met by stony silence -- turned out to be a wire off the starter but getting to it was a dismantle the boat story again. We are off to Warren Islands for tonight. Cheers, Turicum

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