Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rental alert!

Date : Aug. 24
Log: 56028
Bar: 1010
Sky: O/C showers
Location: Port Harvey -- N50-33.68' W126-16.09'
Comments: On our way out of the anchorage yesterday, in the only deep channel, we were confronted by a large powerboat appearing from between some islets on our port side about 200 yards away. We were quite surprised to see it as our charts showed shallow water and rocks in that area. It immediately became obvious that they had no intention of changing course or stopping even though they were give way boat so I slowed down to let them pass -- I was also very interested to see where/what they were going to do.
I was not disappointed -- they continued to motor into an area where I had seen some drying rocks at last night's low tide and as we are almost at another low, things were looking more interesting by the moment.
Ah, yes progress came to a sudden stop.
As we continued out toward Knight Inlet they appeared to have extracted themselves and were heading into the anchorage we had just left.
This was the second time we had witnessed someone either not paying attention to navigation or not having a clue as to what they were doing. A day or 2 earlier we saw a 70+ft powerboat suddenly come to a stop when they missed the marker buoy and went over the Neill Ledge shoal by Port McNeill.
I guess anybody can rent anything now.

The rest of the day was very uneventful with rain showers and a rather tedious motor up to Minstrel Island and then down to Port Harvey. Our original plans to anchor at Warren Islands got blown away with the SE gusts of 25kts and not enough protection.

Off to Forward Hbr tomorrow.

Cheers. Turicum

You may note a format change --- we are going to try to make this look more like our actual log. Log number is like the odometer in a car -- our total miles traveled

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