Friday, August 28, 2009

Getting hard on the fuel bill!

Date : 26 August
Log: 56087
Bar: 1017
Sky: Sunny
Location: Thurston Bay Marine Park, Nodales Channel -- N50*22.9' W125*19.3'

We left Cordero Islands at a leisurely pace this morning at 1015 and spent some time sorting the anchor rode and chain and cleaning the anchor locker (which was really becoming rather nasty!)

Motoring again today (*sigh* still no wind...) down Nodales Channel to Thurston Bay Marine Park. We saw many small boats fishing along the rock walls (and in fact, some fishermen were also catching!) We anchored behind an island in the bay, which we shared with just two other boats, some distance away. We had a view of the channel and in the distance, Chatham Point, in Johnstone Strait. The outboard chose to stop running (water in fuel perhaps?) so rowing was the exercise of choice today. Our short day ended at 1330 and the rest of the day was well-spent in dedicated sloth -- to hell with the outboard!

Cheers, Turicum

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