Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aug 5th - part II

We found one secluded little bay in Poole Inlet that we liked so much we stopped there again on the way back north. The guidebook we have just indicates that there's anchorage in the inlet, but gives no other information. We anchored in a quiet little cove, passing a whale in Hecate on the way in, and finding an eagle to greet us as we anchored. A short dinghy ride and walk through the trees brought Keith & Joy to a beautiful sand beach, which Abby also appreciated. Covered in fine, soft sand she romped until she ran out of steam. The previously unnamed beach is now known as "Dirty Dog Beach".

A memorable stop was at Hotspring Island, another Watchman site, well-maintained and staffed by friendly and helpful individuals who treat visitors as honoured guests. Everyone (except Abby - sorry, no pets!) enjoyed a soak in the springs and the luxury of hot showers, soap and shampoo. Of the three rock pools, the one closest to the sea was our favourite; very hot (so lingering for too long wasn't really an option) with a view of Juan de Perez sound - sea, mountains and eagles.

"Boat issues" continued to plague Hale...the patch on the jib started to come adrift, so that was re-repaired. The watermaker ("Wheezy") seemed to enjoy throwing off the output hose and draining the fresh water it made into the bilge, so, two hose clamps later...


  1. My interest is no longer just academic! Smoke everywhere from a wildfire [reasonably under control but very visable at night] about 25 miles downwind. Dirty Dog Beach is now a viable re-location site.
    Which brings to mind a more serious side, are you able to be aware of the evolving fire situations? For instance, should Bella Coola be on your return itinerary, one of thier fire related problems is that their abililty to provision just themselves is severly compremised right now.
    Speaking of problems, i'm encouraged to hear that your's continue to be of the "hose clamp fix" variety.

    Salut B

  2. I was going to comment on the smoke in this area as well -- we thought it was fog but it is slightly blue -- now understand it is from the fires in Alaska.
    We have virtually NO information about the outside world -- we can't get radio and get a web connection every 10 days or so.
    Cheers, h

  3. Hale, June,

    Great to see you having such a good time: the places are mind blowing. Keep on posting I enjoy following your adventure.

    Smooth sailing!

