Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rainy north coast day

August 12

We left Larsen Harbour early this morning, heading down Principe Channel generally heading in the direction of Hartley Bay. Rain showers followed us most of the day, but we managed to dodge most of them until early afternoon. We had some great upwind sailing in about 10-12 knots SE, with flat water. We found a place to anchor on Pitt Island, off Mink Trap Bay (we can't resist the names of some of these places!) Nesbitt Rock and Sewell Islet guard the entrance (named by childrens' literature fans?) Moolock Cove is a well-protected little bay with many small islands and lagoons, which are perfect for dinghy (or kayak) explorations and Abby found a couple of spots that were perfect for her "walkies". We shared the cove with five other vessels, all power. Four of them were rafted companionably out of sight, but we met one of the boaters with his canine, out in the dinghy for their evening constitutional.

Cheers, June

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