Saturday, August 15, 2009

Leaving the Charlottes

August 11

Joy and Keith left us in Charlotte City on Saturday to return home, and we hope they've had a memorable trip! We had time in Charlotte to visit with family, get laundry done and have a last look around the town before we also made our departure.

We spent yesterday on the dock in Sandspit, rigging the staysail and runners, getting a few (more!) groceries and getting our new crew familiar with the boat. Marek and Dan have joined us for the trip south to Port Hardy. The wind and wave forecast for Hecate is something we can live with, so we headed out this morning to make the 50 nm crossing back to Larsen Island. The wind remained fairly light all day and the seas less than one metre. We got in a couple of hours of sailing, but motor-sailed most of the day.

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