Date : Aug.27
Log: 56112
Bar: 1017
Sky: clear
Location: Frances Bay N50*21.6' W125*19.3'
Comments: Day spent in a leisurely motor through Okisolo and Hole in the Wall passes -- caught them just at the end of the flood.
We got here just at noon and have spent a VERY relaxed day with no other boats around. It was amazing how much warmer it became immediately after we came through Hole in the Wall. We are no longer getting the effects of the cold Pacific water.
We are planning to head off to Pendrell Sound tomorrow and see if it warm enough to swim still.
Abby now spends a lot of her time standing at the bow watching for kelp -- we have no idea why she is so fascinated by kelp but she is currently totally focused on it. When we are in the dinghy and we go near a piece of kelp, Abby will try to paw at it and has even licked it. Perhaps she relates the smell of the kelp to the smell of the whales.
Cheers, Turicum