Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not as advertised

July 19
Well, things are not exactly as advertised -- the cell service is iffy --- you wander around the parking lot trying to maintain a signal so the cell internet link we use doesn't work.
The wifi we are now using is not from the Coast Guard as we were told but a citizen down the road you give $10 to for 3 days use.
Still not sure if we can get propane but the fuel dock is nearby and is open morning an evening for a couple of hours.
We have said goodbye to Kaht and John and are in the process of cleaning, converting, fixing, upgrading things to get ready for our next group of clients.
We are going to have to spend some time sorting out the great photos t
hat Kaht and John provided along with June so please bear with us --- we will be editing/upgrading the blog ASAP.

We also found Joy and Keith who will be with us for the next 3 weeks with thanks from Spot, that showed us in Sandspit rather than Charlotte City as we had originally planned.

Cheers, Turicum


  1. Was amazed by the apparant amount of time of running under power when that last batch of updates became available. This leaves me wondering were you ever concerned that fuel might run too low?
    That in turn begs the questions : with this under your belt, would you provision differently next time?
    Which inevitably leads my mind to: is this a "one-off" or has it reccommended itself as an adventure that you'll offer as the SAILCRAFT signature piece?
    Salut B

  2. Turicum burns 3L/hr @ 7kts. (thanks John for the calculations) so it wasn't much of a concern with a 160L tank. We had expected to sail most of the distance across and did ass it turned out but we still had the fuel to motor. We do carry a 25L reserve as well.

    One of the biggest things this trip has taught me is that no matter how much time I spend here I am only scratching the surface. I would love to do this trip again.

  3. Ron and Teresa are now following you as prospective crew for Desolation Sound. The trip so far seems impressive. Sweet sailing! from 'Roxy'.
