July 9 – We had a fantastic stay in Ocean Falls – great docks and nice people. Today we headed off to Eucott Bay, supposedly with great lagoon and hot springs. On the way under blue skies, we had a great sail for a few hours and then when the wind died, we were surrounded by a large pod of Pacific Whiteside Dolphins. They were everywhere and followed us for about an hour – all the way to the Alexander Mackenzie monument. They were so numerous that Abby was totally overwhelmed by them and went and hid in the aft cabin.
While we were still grinning about the dolphin encounter, we arrived at Eucott Bay and once again were blown away. This time, by a fantastic but shallow little bay totally surrounded by mountains. Perched on the side of the bay is an unbelievable hot springs feeding into a rustic stone pool that looks as if has been improved over the decades with concrete to build a small piece of heaven on earth. The fairway at the entrance is reasonably narrow, and anchoring was in very shallow water, but hey, we figured we had a foot under the keel at low water. The best part of Eucott Bay was that we had the entire place to ourselves (well, we had to share with the horseflies) An interesting sidebar: the horseflies seemed to dislike the hotsprings and shunned us entirely when we had more of our flesh exposed to the voracious little beasts.
An early dinner was followed by a leisurely soak in the pool and a very sound sleep.
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