Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is anyone out there

July 16
Out plan was to head out through Otter Passage and ride the Southerlies across Hecate Strait. One problem -- unable to get weather broadcasts. Never for a moment did we think that we would be out of touch with Coast Guard -- such is the case up here. You have to be very careful lest you have an unhappy surprise from the weather and while things seem ok we just couldn't take the chance and decided to move up to Larsen Harbour at the top end of Banks Island. It was also the shortest distance across and it the "favoured" crossing point.
Our new "guide book" which had been very helpful with all the other little spots we stopped at also indicated there were 6 mooring buoys available.
Wrong again -- anchoring in 25ft of water with very limited swing room and by this time, some very good winds blowing -- the radio did start to work and while if we had left for the Charlottes that morning we would have been ok, things we had definitely bad news for the next couple of days and we could now look forward to an extended stay in Larsen Harbour.

What was really starting to become a problem was that we had just finished our last bottle of wine (*gasp*) at dinner the previous evening.

Cheers, Turicum

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