July 18
We're off.
We head off at the crack of 0930 --- actually with the forecast, the wind and waves should moderate over the course of the day so there is no big push to get out particularly early.
We put the #1 reef in the main, hoisted the staysail and settled down for a 50+nm sail over the the Charlottes. Our wind was between a close and beam reach making the 24kt not much of a big thing.
The seas were about 1.7 meters and from time to time a bit bumpy. After a few hours the "interesting" motion of Turicum got to Abby and another crew member --- both visiting the stern to say good by to their breakfast.
True to their word, the rain stopped around noon and a few hours later the wind and then the seas started to ease. As things quietened down we unfurled the Genoa and were able to maintain between 7 -9 kts.
The wind and seas kept dropping as we neared the Charlottes eventually forcing us to motor sail and then continue strictly on power.
I had underestimated the distance from the marker buoy to Sandspit so we our arrival was a bit later than we had hoped. As we arrived we were greeted by first a bit of a squall and then bright sunshine and a fantastic view of the mountains around Skidegate Inlet.
2000hr -- on the dock looking for a Pub.
Cheers, Turicum
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