Friday, May 27, 2011


Well, sitting with a bunch of other skippers trying to figure out what the heck the wind is going to do.
The range of wind speed is very wide -- 10kts to 30kts and picking what sail combination to use is going to be critical. If the worst happens and the wind speed keeps swinging up and down, our fordeck crew is going to get worn out from the sail changes.
We are currently carring 5 headsails and I am trying to decide if we should keep a 6th aboard.
I will definately be catching the weather briefing today -- they have David Jones of Enviroment Canada and he is The Best.
Just to add to festivities, we have Andrew, Ross, and Erv on their boat right beside us. We are going to have a blast racing against some of our old crew.

More later.

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