Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sothern Straits review

Southern Straits was the proverbial best of times and the worst of times.
We stared out by separating from the fleet in the light air when we stayed out too long rather than heading right for the shore breeze.
When we finally managed to round Ballenas, things picked up dramatically. Through the remaining legs of the race we were able to pass a number of boats and made up 20 - 30 min. on the majority of the fleet.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to make up the 2 hours lost on the first leg.

One of the biggest pluses was the way we were able to get Turicum moving in the very light wind. We were able to use the conditions to learn a lot. Hopefully, we will be able to use this new knowledge in Swiftsure and Van Isle.

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