Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunrise in Lahaina

Turicum finished the Vic-Maui race at 0322 this morning. Champagne welcome party on the dock in Lahaina was finishing just as the sun came up! Our greeter team was amazing -- grass skirts, palm trees, mai-tais, and a smokin' volcano on the buffet table. Ritz-Carlton goodies were wonderful! Lahaina Yacht Club and all the volunteers and friends who make the shore activities possible are examples of the true spirit of Aloha. Crew have crawled away for showers, food, sleep and...then they'll be ready to party on! Last blog(s) from aboard and some photos to follow to add to this chronicle.

SV Turicum


  1. RETIRE ! For god's sake, you're older than me !

    It's time to rest on your lorals, start fabricating the gross exagerations that you'll ammend to the already fantastic stories of six V/M's that you have on tap to trot out every time friends get together and "indulge".

    We're taking up a collection to "cargo" TURICUM back to Vancouver because the concensus is that we'd probably like to see you once more. However, it's conditional on you promising to only putter around the inside passage, and other innoccuous, tame waters [with no "keel-rocks"] for the rest of your rapidly diminishing life time !

    Salut B

  2. Congrats to all!!! Glad you made it safely. Wonderful blogs and have a great time in Maui


  3. Congratulations to all of you - Great Work! I enjoyed reading Turicum's Blog as you were racing towards Hawaii.

    Enjoy some R&R in Hawaii.

    Cheers, Christof.

  4. If you get a chance (or have the inclination) see the sunrise from atop Haleakala, where the silversword grows, a most unique plant that grows only at high elevations (that's 'way above sea-level', for those who don't reach the ethereal realms), and blooms only once in its 5- to 50-year-life-span; then it dies.

    Plus there's the erupting Kilauea, where the lava is actively flowing into the sea, still creating the Big Island. That should be quite the spectacle from Turicum, especially at night.

    Your memories (as mine) of the Paradise of the Pacific will never diminish as the aroma of pikake, plumeria, tuberose on the evening breezes mingle with memories of your tremendous sail through Pacific waters to reach the shores of Hawai'i.

    May you ever sail on, Turicum Crew, in high and low seas, in memories, in dreams....

  5. Hello Capt.Gigi,
    Many thanks for your great comments.
    We won't be doing the sunrise service this year but we have done it in the past on Winter Solstice. The Silversword is truly magic.
    Perhaps you could join us on a race this fall?
    Cheers, hale

  6. Ah, Captain Hale, some folks just don't know when to stop racing, and just lay back....

    There's no more racing pour moi, mon ami captain, only plain sailin' under blue skies, fair winds. But that's not to say, one does not admire and follow those who still brave the high seas!

    I'll join you on deck occasionally, however (and metaphorically speaking), for a toast to the good 'ol days, and the recounting of tall tales.

    Cheers, indeed! I enjoyed Following *The Crew*!
