July 8, 2010
1333 miles northeast of Maui and we are still close to the 200 nm per day mark. Winds have been variable 15 – 25. With the moderately large swell it is sometimes difficult to keep the genoa filled in under 15 knots of wind. We have just now re-hoisted the asymmetrical spinnaker which has given us an extra knot of boat speed and greater stability. With any luck we will be flying it for several days.
This race is not properly defined in days or even in time for that matter. It is defined as the execution of several tasks and procedures performed on an ongoing basis including sail handling, navigation, driving and observation. One of the consequences of how well one performs the tasks or procedures may be the ultimate length of time it takes to race across the North Eastern Pacific. Other consequences may be whether one ever reaches Hawaii or whether the vessel and crew remain intact. The point is that we tend to define things by the desired result, i.e. arriving in Maui within a certain time, rather than by the process – sailing well and performing each task to the best of one’s abilities. The latter are things over which we have complete control and which have some effect on the desired result. However, we have no control ultimately over the result because weather, health, the need to assist others and unforeseen mishaps may lay waste to our best laid plans. The point is, that all we can do as people is to take control over the elements of our lives that are capable of control and to realize that there will always be variables in any endeavour that will remain variables over which we have limited or indeed no influence, Tonight’s assignment – G-d does or does not exist. Discuss and use illustrations.
The moving boat: For one week we have lived and moved on a platform that is always moving three dimensionally. To lurch across a short space grabbing handholds and avoiding contact with objects animate or inanimate is just part of the landscape of life aboard a sailboat. We adapt to it and eventually it becomes second nature. That does not mean that we don’t fall, collide and stumble from time to time, but as each day passes under the keel, our internal gyro becomes better calibrated to our present circumstances. Life lesson – roll with the punches, get up when you are knocked down, internalize the data for the future and carry on – easier said than done!
Communicating is the conveyance of information and opinion from one to another or others. The interface between thoughts and words is notoriously faulty. One phrase or one interaction should never form the basis of a hard opinion by the listener of the person communicating. Even a bold declaration is not necessarily the true message that was intended. This is especially the case in circumstances where there is high component of stress. The corollary to this point is that one must think before speaking. We do that pretty well aboard. Memo to self – stop flying off the handle once back to life as we knew it.
Challenge, Adventure and Teamwork. This is the motto of the Vic Maui race and it is what grounds some of the entries in this blog. These three words are a statement of ideals that can be universalized to have much broader application. I promise to lighten up tomorrow and tell some tales out of school about the goofier aspects of the trip thus far. Stay tuned for a man of principle dedicates his life to the Church of Rasputin and other “great thoughts.”
Over and out.
Turicum 74257
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