Monday, April 5, 2010

Crew comments -- Tim

What a ride! Thrilling to say the least. Other than thinking we were going the wrong direction at times, never did I feel concerned with the capabilities of our boat or the crew. Not once did I feel we were doing the wrong thing under the circumstances and never did I get the sense that there was concern for our circumstances. In fact I was disappointed upon learning the race was canceled. Call me naive for possibly overestimating our capabilities and the circumstances but I had full confidence in the leadership of the boat, in their experience and knowledge. Sure it was a bit of a roller coaster ride, but a test that I am glad we went through and came out of with flying colours. I thought our crew communicated well together, worked well together, were patient and steady. No one panicked, language remained civil, suggestions and opinions were listened too and appropriate concern was given to the crew and their needs. If anything were to end up in the negative column I'd say we possibly were not monitoring the radio sufficiently and probably should have watched the weather more closely at the start. More practice with Turicum would be an asset as well.
I had a great time and will remember the trip for a long time to come. I certainly am looking forward to our upcoming trips and the opportunity to increase our skill and knowledge on the great boat TURICUM.

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